Monday, October 23, 2006

How I Got Started

While doing an assigned reading from Curriculum and Assessment for Students with Moderate and Severe Disabilities, by Diane M. Browder, I came across a section on the McGill Action Planning System, also known as MAPS. I became fascinated with the student centered focus of this program, and I wanted to find ways to implement it within the Individualized Education Plan (IEP) process for my students. I began working to develop worksheets that I could use to find out information from my student, his or her parents, and any other individuals who would have insight into a particular student. I also developed a compilation chart that would be used to summarize information received from individuals involved with my students. I continued doing my reading for class using the book Transition Portfolios for Students with Disabilities: How to help students, teachers, and families handle new settings by MaryAnn Demchak and Robin G. Greenfield. This book also referenced MAPS. I used this book to make modifications to my letters and compilation charts.